Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Honduras: The lat day at home

The last day in Honduras was emotional. When we arrived at the airport Tim informed Brett and Judy that Daisy Mary lou was there to talk to them. Remember, she is the mother of the 3 boys that J and B consider their Honduran family. After we checked in we all sat down and Dasiy asked that Judy and Brett take her two oldest sons back to the states so that they could grow up good boys. Well of course it was an emotional meeting, but I was grateful that Tim told Daisy that that was impossible-the govn would not allow it,SO THEY would not have to tell her no. Tim went on to explain that she should go ahead and move to the safer community. That would be better for her family and the boys would not be influenced by growing gangs. Tearful goodbyes were said and a promise to be back in the spring. Before we left them though we all went to Wendy's to eat and then raced to the security check--only to wait.


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