Monday, August 08, 2005

Honduras: Thursday like no other.

On Thursday I went with Jute and Breddy (brett and Judy) to show thier adopted family another community that they could move to because the community that they live in now is being over run with gangs (of new york--a great movie). It is a dangerous area to live and the mom (Daisy Mary lou) wants her kids to be able to grow up safe. This is the family. Judy and Brett came to know them about 3 years ago when torch was building in thier community. Torch built them a house and last year it burned right before we came. Torch rebuilt thier home and put a concrete floor in. Each year Brett and Judy bring boxes full of supplies for the family.
Tim Hines went with us to translate. I went to video in order to tell their story to you with pictures.We picked them up at Baxter, a seminary in Teguc, and then went to the community of Nuave Oriental to show them where they could live. When we got there Carlos, the oldest, did not like it and was very with drawn from Judy and Brett. He did not want to move. We spent a while there, mostly b/c Tim kept stopping to talk to people and answer his phone.
Dasiy liked the community but she did not want to leave her church or pull her kids out of school just yet. She said she wanted to wait 4 months untill the school term ended. Tim gave her his card and told her to call him if she ever felt in danger.
As the day went on Carlos began to come around and even wanted to hold Judy and I hands as we walked back to the truck.
We took the family to Camparos chicken to eat lunch. The boys were very excited. Judy said that she didn't think they has ever been there before. After lunch we took them home. It was dangerous for us to be there and Tim hid a gun under the front seat, but we did not run into any trouble. We all said good- bye to the family in their house. It was the first time that Judy and Brett had gone into thier house.
It is going to cost about 1500 american $$ to move them.
Daisy works by selling fruits to her neighbors....and a fear of hers and of Carlos is that no one will buy from her in the new community since she will be new.

This is Eduardo, the middle boy.


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