Honduras 3: carnivals, soccer and being HOT!!
Ok, so where were we.... On Saturday the 16th of July we all headed out to a childrens home called Good Shepard. It is not an orphanage but a lovely home for children. There are currently around 135 kids there whose age range from 6 months to around 17-18 you. When we got there (late as usual) we quickly went to work setting up a carnival for the kids. We brought it all..Cotton candy, popcorn,clowns, games, prizes and more. Judy and I were in charge of the Frisbee throw which consisted of 2 discs and a tree & no participants. We quickly made an executive decision and parted ways with the frisbees and took to filming the days events. I caught an awesome shot of Sarasota Shane getting nailed with a soccer ball and also caught a couple of cute boxer puppies taking naps, along with Tons of smiling kids!!
After feeding the kids lunch of peanut butter and honey with a side of fly we said out goodbyes and headed out to the hottest place in all of Tegucigalpa....The Olympic Soccer Stadium. I will not pretend to think or sound like I know what I am taking about with soccer so...Our guys played some other guys in soccer.
That picture is our guys (in the gold) having a prayer with the other team....that WE BEAT. Of course I was not paying that much attention to the game during the game, but I did manage to catch a few actions plays that I would not have seen had I not been sitting next the the coaches wife (Judy) or 2 loud mouth soccer moms who will remain nameless (Margaret and Gayna). We started off watching the game in the shade but the sun slowly crept on us. It was around 4:40 pm and it was HOT! You could feel your innards melting. The only relief was to stand on the top of the bleachers where there was a warm breeze, so it felt 115 degrees instead of 116 degrees.We did have an ice cream vendor at the bottom of the bleachers who thought it necessary to ring his bell the ENTIRE time even after everyone who wanted ice cream had bought some. We had some over achievers in our group who hit the track walking in the sweltering sun, but they did give us an idea. The other side of the stadium was in the shade...We quickly left the soccer moms in the dust an headed for paradise. After crossing the dessert we layed out on the track where it was not only cooler, but closer to the action of the game.Well, my fingers are raw so...Tune in next time for Honduras 4: Man I thought I was not going to sweat today, and DADDY!!
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