Honduras 4.5: Cont
Where were we....Oh before I forget..I have a friend named BETH...This is for you.
After we made it to the VOA we had about 1 hour to find Judy a chicken key chain that she has been wanting for years....Michelle found her a pin instead.
From the Valley we went to eat at a restraunt that had....Kareoke!!!!! The food was good and we found the Honduran Jeremy Smith. Me and Judy took pictures together since we failed to do so last year, but she has informed me her pictures are completely black and mine are fuzzy, but I do have one of her and Brett.

The next day the medical team and one VBS crew left to go to Chuloteca, near the pacific coast for two nights. We went last year but only for a day, well actually for about 3 hours. It is about a 3 hr drive from the capital. Monday morning we loaded all the boxes from the previous day onto the bus AGAIN and headed out. As we were coming down out of the mtns you could feel the temp getting hotter and hotter. We stopped for lunch at a tiger express esso station (exxon where we found little gorditos (really good cheese puffs) we had been looking for for sometime,a honduran must). Side bar: my overwrite is on and I cannot find where to turn it off so if sentences look wierd..sorry. Ok back to the story..The bus would not start after we got back on so we coasted down the hill untill it stopped. The battery was dead. we had another truck with us with an extra battery but the truck liked its battery so much that there was a lock on it. The temp in the bus was getting hotter so I got off and started filming the experince. AB, a translator, got off too and started sking next to the bus
I was lucky enough to be standing in front of the muffler when the bus was jumped. It spit black junk all over my face and shirt. Judy had to wipe my face off.i wish I had a picture but I don't. After we got back on the road we went about a mile until we arrived at the hotel we would be staying at for the next two nights. Once there we unloaded all the boxes from the truck to the bus and then went to meet the people we came to see. See we were suppose to go to a village outside of the town but the rains made the road way to muddy so the people walked 3-4 hours to meet us on the highway.Once there we reshuffled the boxes in the bus into men, womens, girls, boys and infants. When the families would come by we would give them 2 outfits per person. It looked like astormwas coming and that is why we stayed in the sweatbox. Let me tell you it was HOT and SWEATY but we loved it and we had fun doing it. We left around 6:30 and went to eat at Wendy's and headed back back to the hotel.
The next day we went back and did the medical clinic, VBS and adult bible study. There were alot stories for these couple of days but here is the one that means the most to me. Judy and I were working the wound care station. We saw our share of bumps and cuts but then this one lady (21 yrs old) came. She had burned her arm with cooking oil 8 days ealier. She had gone to a clinic in town but they did not think it was that bad and did not (or was not able to) give her medical supplies. So when we saw her her arm was dried out and the dead skin needed to be removed. We soaked her arm in sterile saline for about 15 min and then spent 45 min picking off the dead skin. We wrapped her arm and gave her supplies for a couple of weeks. I will never forget that. Stayed tuned.......
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