Honduras Part Dos
So, I left off telling you about the hospital visit. Well, after we left the hospital we went out to the community of (sorry about the spelling) Nuave Orinental. It is a community that was given to the people after the hurricane in 98 that wiped out villages.
I personally think that the community is very beautiful. From the front door os many of the houses you look out to see huge mountain ranges. But, I can see why some people might have a hard time adjusting--you have to walk up and down gargantuous hills in order to go to the market or just to visit your neighbors.
While we were there our team split into two groups. One group passed out clothing and the other group passed out food boxes from door to door. Ok, think back to what I told you earlier....Steep hills... I was a hill warrior. I have a video clip of our food passing out trek that I will attempt to attach. A member of each family had to be at home in order to receive a food box and they could only have 1 box, but what amazed me was that instead of asking for more than the alloted 1 box the families would point us to thier neighbors to make sure thay to recieved a food box as well.
After we passed out the food boxes our group went to the school houses of the community, where the cloths distribution was going on, to play with the kids. Some of the group played games with them or sang songs with them. I did what I do best...take pictures and videos.

This is my favorite picture from that day. Is that not the cutest picture ever? Well, this is where I have to end this blog. Jeremy and Evelyn are coming over to talk Honduras.
Tune in next time for Honduras 3: carnivals, soccer and being HOT!!
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